Saturday, August 30, 2014


The week had been rather long and thorough for me and of course, I bet you have some story to share. "huh! Me?" You might say. Yeah!!! Yes, you! Of course, you do have a story to share and I can count that, it is only dead people that don't have stories to share. Hahahaha. I'm laughing out loud and I know I got you. Well, that's by the way. Actually, I have thought of keeping to promise by coming up with another article (and that is if you had follow the previous one). I am not yet resolute as to how often my publications shall come.

However, as you could see from the above, our topic for today is title 'the seed of discouragement' and I shall try as much as possible to be tact. Well, I am yet to come across anybody in life who wants to become or remain a nobody. Even at age 60 some people are still kicking; at least I know one part of the world where many bred politicians in their 60s and 70s are still scrambling for power with every audacity.

Now, the focus is not on some politicians, but to every Tom, Dick and Harry. We should understand that some people are not nice with words at all and I am not saying that you should become spoiled by receiving too many kind attention, because life is not fair; else first class graduates should be the most placed persons on planet earth.

I understand that words are powerful to influence, that is why someone who has got a good job and an easy going life will quit work, not because of anything else but because somebody said something. Words are powerful, that is why somebody who has got an amiable marriage will want to pack up, because somebody said something. Hmm. Separation should wait for a minute. I want to stress on the case of divorce. Though I am yet to walk down the aisle with my heartthrob. I am personally against a case of divorce order than on the ground of infidelity. More so, some people quit their plans and the execution of their plans or their ambitions, just because somebody said something. And that could pass to be a seed of discouragement.

Many at times, decisions are reached in the heat of tension without making necessary checks and due consolations, before joining into conclusions. It might interest you to know, that sometimes the people who you listen to are not even happy that you are happy. Some of them feel threatened by the height to which you have attained already, some of them even want what you got! They want your husband, they want your wife. They covet your position. They want your job; that is why they talk you to want to resign. Some even want you to keep depending on them. Hmm, well I may not have exhausted the list, but the point remains.

Hence, I have got good news for you: 
1.CHOOSE WHAT YOU HEAR!!!!!!!:  You may not be able to choose what gets at you, but you can choose what you hear. Like seriously, remember that some people feign statement likes "I did not hear you". Now, I don't mean that you should lie as that could be highly unethical. All I am saying is that you can control what gets into you.   

2. KEEP TO YOUR PLAN: I am not a fan of people who don't plan, but sheepishly allow people's plans to be imposed on them . And that is why we must plan for our everything. That is why when somebody says something to upset you, quickly take a look at you plan so that you don't crash.

Till I come your way next week,  I remain yours sincerely,